Extending Ultimate Member Profile Menu using Hooks

We recommend using the Profile tabs extension to extend the profile menu with extra tabs.

The profile menu can be extended using a custom code. See example below. The code is based on these hooks:

  • um_profile_tabs - this hook is used to modify and extend the profile menu.
  • um_user_profile_tabs - (optional) this hook is used to modify and extend the profile menu for the certain user.
  • um_profile_content_{$tab_id} - this hook is used to display content for the desired tab, where {$tab_id} is the tab key in the $tabs array.

NOTE: We have created this code example to provide guidance and to make it easier for you to implement this code into your website. However, we are not able to provide any support when it comes to customizing the plugin. If you need help implementing this code, please hire a developer.