Member Directory 1.3.x - 2.0.x Settings


With Ultimate Member you can add member directories to your site. By default, Ultimate Member will install a members directory on your site on a page called members. If you do not want to have member directories on your site you can completely disable this feature from the users tab on the settings page.

General options

This widget allows you to control the following options:

  • User roles to display – This option allows you to select which user roles are displayed in the directory. If left blank the directory will display the profile cards of all members of your site.
  • Only show members who have uploaded a profile photo – This option allows you to only show members who have uploaded a profile photo. If turned on any member who does not upload a profile photo will not be shown in the directory. This option is turned off by default.
  • Only show members who have uploaded a cover photo – This option allows you to only show members who have uploaded a cover photo. If turned on any member who does not upload a cover photo will not be shown in the directory. This option is turned off by default.
  • Sort user by – This option allows you to decide the order of how members are shown in the directory. You can sort members by new users first, old users first, display name, first name, last name, and other (custom field). By default, the directory will sort users by new users first.

Profile card:

This widget allows you to customize the information that is displayed on the profile cards shown in the directory:

  • Enable profile photo – This option allows you to show or hide the user profile photos on the member directory.
  • Enable cover photo – This option allows you to show or hide the user cover photos on the member directory.
  • Show display name – This option allows you to show or hide the user display name on the member directory.
  • Show tagline below profile name – This option allows you to show the user meta below the user display name. This could be an important piece of information relevant to your site e.g you could show the user’s nationality below the display name.
  • Show extra user information below tagline – This option allows you to show extra user meta below the tagline. If you select yes it will show an option show the information in a reveal section (the information is hidden until the user clicks the arrow) or show it on page load. Below this option is the user meta selector where you can choose which field(s) to add to this area of the profile card.
  • Show social connect icons – This option allows you to social icons on the profile card which link to a user’s social media accounts. The social icons are LinkedIn to the social fields which are found in the pre-defined fields list. If a user does not enter any information in the relevant social media field then the social icon will not show e.g if a user does not enter their Twitter username in the Twitter field then the Twitter field will not show on their profile card.

Search options

This widget allows you to control search filters on member directories:

  • Enable search feature – This option allows you to show or hide the search filters on the member directory. If you enable the search filters several options will appear below.
  • User roles that can use search – This option allow you to select which user roles can use the search filters. If left blank anyone can use the search filters.
  • Choose field(s) to enable in search – This option allows you to select fields that will be shown in the search filters. Please note that not all field types are allowed in the search filters so not all of your custom fields will appear in this list.
  • Results text – This option allows you to customize the text that is shown after a user performs a search. The tag {total_users} will show the number of users that match the search criteria.
  • Custom text if no users were found – This option allows you to customize the text that is shown after a user performs a search and the search returns empty (no users were matched the search criteria).

Results & pagination

In this widget, you can decide the number of profiles to show on each page (Please note: the higher the number the longer the page will take to load) and there is also an option to limit the total number of profiles that will be shown in this directory (leave blank to show all users in the directory).