Setting Passwords in Ultimate Member Registration Forms

In Ultimate Member, when setting up registration forms, the presence or absence of a password field can impact the user registration process, especially when using social login or direct subscribe URLs in conjunction with the Social Login or Stripe extensions. Here's how to manage the password field and ensure users can set their password appropriately.

Registration Form with Password Field

  1. Default Behavior: When a password field exists in the register form, it allows users to add or set a password in your registration form upon registration. This field is essential for users to create an account and log in to your website securely. The {action_url} placeholder in the Welcome Email template will direct users to the login page URL. This is because users are expected to have set their password during registration.
  2. Password Set by Users: Users are prompted to set their password during registration, ensuring they can log in using their chosen credentials.

Registration Form without Password Field

  1. Placeholder Tags: If the register form does not include a password field, the {action_url} placeholder tag must be used in the Welcome Email template. This allows users to set their password after registration.
  2. Social Login and Stripe: In scenarios involving Social Login or Stripe direct subscribe URLs, the {action_url} placeholder tag plays a crucial role in allowing users to set their password.

    Note: This only applies if the Social Login configurations utilize either the one-step process or the 2-step process. However, it applies only when the password field is not included on the overlay interface. See the sample image below:

  3. Handling Password Setting: The absence of a password field can prevent users from setting their password during registration. Therefore, including the {action_url} placeholder tag in the Welcome Email template ensures they can set their password after registration.

The presence or absence of a password field in the register form impacts how users set their password. When no password field exists, use the {action_url} placeholder tag in the Welcome Email template allows users to set their password after registration, ensuring a seamless registration process.