Installing an Extension
To make use of any of our Ultimate Member Extensions, you need to ensure that the Ultimate Member core plugin is active and then install and activate the extensions. The process is similar to installing a regular plugin.
Downloading Extensions
- You can download available extensions through your account on our website. Visit, click the "Sign In" button, and log in using the email you used during checkout.
- Once logged in, you'll be redirected to your Account page.
- For individual extension purchases, download the extension from the "File Downloads" tab.
- For extension pass purchases, access the downloads page via the "Purchases" tab and click "View Details and Downloads."
After clicking, you'll be redirected to the purchase confirmation page. Under the Pages section, click on the "Downloads" link to proceed to the "My Downloads" Page.
- For individual extension purchases, download the extension from the "File Downloads" tab.
Installing Downloaded Extensions
- To install downloaded extensions, navigate to your WordPress dashboard, then go to Plugins > Add New.
- Look for the "Upload Plugin" button. Click it, then click "Choose File" to select the ZIP file of your downloaded extension from your computer.
- After selecting the file, click "Install Now". Once the installation is complete, click "Activate Plugin".
- You should see a message confirming the activation. To verify, scroll down to the installed extension. If you see a "Deactivate" link, it means the plugin is activated.
Entering Your License Key
- A license key is necessary for receiving updates. Obtain your License Key from your account on
- Enter this key on the page wp-admin > Ultimate Member > Settings > Licenses or click the Licenses page link from the notice.
For detailed instructions, refer to our article on How to activate a license key.