Extension: Customize Groups Color

How To change the Group Extensions Color

In UM Theme you can change the color of the Ultimate Member Group extension directly from the customizer. Go to Appearance > Customize > Ultimate Member > Extension: Groups. There you will be presented with the below options:

  1. Group Title Color: Change the color of the Group title or heading.
  2. Group Description  Text Color: Customize Group's short description color.
  3. Group Background Color: Change the background color of the Group.
  4. Group Tab Border Color: Change Group Tab border color.
  5. Search Button Color:  Customize the color of the search button.
  6. Search Button Text Color: Change the color of the text in the search button.
  7. Title Font Size: Set the Title Font size in px, em, or rem.
  8. Description Font Size: Set the Group description Font size in px, em, or rem.

Click on Publish to save changes.

Note: You need to have Groups extension installed to use this section.