Social Login 2.2 - Enable Hidden Social Networks' settings

UM Social Login 2.2 has new 20+ Social Networks but not all networks have been enabled as we are limiting our support to handle issues arise from Social Network that has less UM customers who purchased the extension. 

In 2.2, we have integrated HybridAuth PHP Library to handle the Social Network API authentication and response. If you want to take advantage of the library and extend Social Login further, please read Hybridauth Documentation.

Here's a sample code that enables the settings of hidden Social Networks such as Steam( OpendID ):

add_filter("um_social_login_networks","um_sso_add_steam_network", 10, 1 );
function um_sso_add_steam_network( $networks ){

	$networks["steam"] = array(
		"name"      => __( "Steam", "um-social-login" ),
		"button"    => __( "Connect with Steam", "um-social-login" ),
		"color"     => "#fff",
		"bg"        => "#00adee",
		"bg_hover"  => "#365899",
		"icon"      => "um-faicon-steam-square",
		"opts"      => array(
				"steam_app_id"       => __( "Key", "um-social-login" ),
				"steam_app_secret"   => __( "Secret", "um-social-login" ),
		"sync"      => array(
				"handle"    => "steam_handle",
				"link"      => "steam_link",
		"sync_v2" => array(
		"has_multiple_callback" => false,
		"hybridauth_key" => "Steam", 
	       # HybridAuth Key is the directory name, please see: /um-social-login/libs/hybridauth/src/Provider/


	return $networks;