How to create a Google Maps API key


This document provides instructions on how to create a Google Maps API key to use it in the extension "User Location".


Google Maps JavaScript API is a part of Google Maps Platform, so you need to be registered at Google Cloud Platform. If you are a new user, click the button "Get Started" and go through the registration process.

Google Maps API key

Once you are registered you should create a project, enable APIs and get your API key.

Step 01 - Create a project.

Step 02 - Enable Google Maps APIs.

The extension User Location need to use these APIs to work correctly:

  • Maps JavaScript API
  • Places API
  • Geocoding API

Step 03 - Generate API key.

Step 04 - Restrict and get the API key.

Usage and Billing

The Maps JavaScript API uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model, see pricing and limits. Along with the overall Google Terms of Use, there are usage limits specific to the Maps JavaScript API. Manage your costs and usage with tools available in the Google Cloud Console.

Reminder: To use the Maps JavaScript API, you must enable billing and include an API key or OAuth token with all API or SDK requests.