​How to upload profile photo

Steps to upload the profile photo:

  • log in as the member;
  • go to the profile page;
  • Click "Edit Profile" under the gear icon to turn on profile "edit" mode;
  • click to the profile photo - you'll see the dropdown menu. Click "Upload photo" - you'll see a popup "Change your profile photo";
  • select or "drag & drop" the photo you want to use as your profile photo (avatar). Once the photo is loaded you'll see it in the popup.
  • Use the cropper tool to select the square area with the face. Click the button "Apply".
  • Click the button "Update Profile" under the profile form or the "check" icon in the profile header to save changes.


Image 1 - Edit profile

Image 2 - Upload photo

Image 3 - Upload

Image 4 - Crop and Apply

Image 5 - Save changes