Member Directory with User Locations map

This article describes how to configure and use the Google Map and User Location filter in the Member Directory.

Related articles: Member Directories 2.1.0+, User Locations Setup

Versions: Ultimate Member since 2.2.5, Ultimate Member - User Locations since 1.0.6.


Adding Map to the Member Directory #

You can add a map to the member directory and show members' locations with markers on the map. The map may be used to filter searching results and display only those members whose location match certain criteria - map bounds or distance.

Settings #

A box "User Location" appears in the member directory settings once the extension User Locations is activated and Google Maps API key is successfully entered in the extension's settings.

The directory User Location settings:

  • Show nearest users when search results are empty - Enable this feature if you want to autofocus the map to the nearest member if there are no members whose location matches the current map.
  • Show Map - Turn on to display the map in the directory.
  • Show this user location field at the map - Select the User Location field that is used to display markers on the map and filter members by their location.
  • Map height - Set a map height on a screen. The size is set in pixels.
  • Starting map zoom level - Set the default map zoom. From 0 to 12.
  • Starting address latitude - Set the default latitude of the map center. From -90 to 90.
  • Starting address longitude - Set the default longitude of the map center. From -180 to 180.
  • Apply different settings for mobile devices - Activates additional settings that used to zoom and center the map on mobile devices.
  • Mobile map height - Set a map height on a screen on mobile. The size is set in pixels. Optional, appears if the Apply different settings for mobile devices is turned on.
  • Mobile starting map zoom level - Set the default map zoom. From 0 to 12. Optional, appears if the Apply different settings for mobile devices is turned on.
  • Mobile starting address latitude - Set the default latitude of the map center. From -90 to 90. Optional, appears if the Apply different settings for mobile devices is turned on.
  • Mobile starting address longitude - Set the default longitude of the map center. From -180 to 180. Optional, appears if the Apply different settings for mobile devices is turned on.
  • Enable user location search field - Enable user location filter for searching in directory.
  • Choose a type of searching - Select an algorithm of location filter: Search by visible bounds or Search by radius.
  • Nearby members searching radius - Set the distance. Optional, appears if the Choose a type of searching is set to Search by radius.
  • Distance unit of measurement - Select the unit of the radius. Optional, appears if the Choose a type of searching is set to Search by radius.
  • Choose field(s) to display in marker's infowindow - Select information that is shown in the marker's info window.
  • Marker type - Select markers' type: Avatar marker, User role marker or Classic Google marker.

Image - The directory "User Location" settings

Table - Recommended values to focus the map on certain region or country on mobile

Region or country Map height Starting map zoom level Starting address latitude Starting address longitude
Europe 350 3 51 15
USA 300 3 39 -96
Japan 300 4 39 135
China 330 3 38 106
India 370 4 22 83
Brazil 330 3 -12 -53
South Africa 280 4 -27 25
Australia 320 3 -24 135

A map in the Member Directory #

Examples #

This is a map on a member directory for showing users locations.

This is a map on a member directory for showing users locations and filtering users by the visible map's bounds.

Pagination #

The member directory is divided into pages. The map displays markers for members who are in the current page. List pages using links under profile cards to see the next group of members and map markers that match their locations.

You can change a number of profiles displayed per page. Use settings Number of profiles per page and Number of profiles per page (for Mobiles & Tablets) in the box "Results & Pagination".

Image - The directory "Results & Pagination" settings (per page)

Results Text #

We recommend changing settings Results Text and Single Result Text if you enable filtering by user location. Customers may not understand that the map influences searching.

Image - The directory "Results & Pagination" settings (Results Text)

Image - Results Text in the directory with active user location filter.

Marker Clustering #

Google Maps can combine markers of close proximity into clusters, and simplify the display of markers on the map.

You can use hook 'um_member_directory_disable_clustering' to disable this feature. See for the code snippet at the article User Locations - Hooks.