Ultimate Member Zapier Settings Guide


The Ultimate Member (UM) Zapier extension offers powerful automation capabilities, allowing you to streamline processes and enhance the functionality of your membership site. By integrating UM with Zapier, you can create Zaps that trigger actions based on events within UM or Zapier, saving you time and effort.

Zaps Page

Once you have installed and activated the Ultimate Member (UM) Zapier extension, a new "Zapier" menu will appear under the Ultimate Member side navigation. This menu takes you to the Zaps page, where you can add, edit, delete, and view a list of your Zaps.

Zap's Table Overview

You'll find a table listing for all your configured Zaps on the Zaps page. Here is a description of the elements you can find in this table:

  1. Header Section:
    • Add New Zap: A button to create a new Zap.
    • Filters: 
      1. All (n): Displays all Zaps regardless of their status or type. For example, If there are 4 Zaps in total, clicking on this filter will show all 4 Zaps.
      2. Trigger (n): Displays only the Zaps that are configured as Triggers. For example: If there are 2 Zap that are set up to trigger actions, clicking on this filter will show that specific Trigger Zap.
      3. Action (n): Displays only the Zaps that are configured as Actions. For example: If there are 2 Zap that perform actions based on triggers, clicking on this filter will show that specific Action Zap.
    • Search Zaps: A search bar to find specific Zaps.
    • Select bulk action: Dropdown to perform bulk actions on selected Zaps. You can choose to delete, stop, run, or draft selected items.
  2. List Table:
    • Checkbox: This provides options to select all or multiple Zaps on the list.
    • Name: The name of the Zap, with options to sort ascending or descending.Identifies the specific Zap. For example, "New User Registered" indicates this Zap is triggered when a new user registers.
    • Type: Indicates whether the Zap is a Trigger (initiates an action) or an Action (performs a task).
    • Status: The current status of the Zap (e.g., Running, Paused, Stopped, Draft).
    • Last Delivery Status: The status of the last delivery attempt.The result of the most recent attempt to execute the Zap (e.g., Success, Failed, Waiting for Request).
    • Last Delivery Date: The date and time of the last delivery attempt.
    • Date Created: The date and time when the Zap was created.

This table provides a comprehensive overview of all your Zaps, their statuses, and relevant timestamps, helping you manage and troubleshoot your automation workflows efficiently.

Adding a Zap

To create or add a new Zap, Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to wp-admin > Ultimate Member > Zapier. 
  2. On the Zaps page, locate and click the "Add New Zap" button.

  3. Once clicked, you'll be able to configure the settings below. The available options may vary based on the type selected (Trigger or Action.)

Configuring Settings

These settings allow you to customize the behaviour of your Zap and specify how data is transferred between Ultimate Member and Zapier, enabling you to automate workflows and streamline processes. Here's a breakdown of the settings:

Settings Descriptions
Title This allows you to give your Zap a descriptive title for easy identification. This title is for your reference and won't affect the Zap's functionality. Choose a clear and descriptive title that helps you remember the purpose or function of the Zap.
Type  This setting determines the nature of the Zap, dictating how it responds to events:
  • Trigger: Opt for this type to activate the Zap based on events occurring within Ultimate Member. When specified events happen in Ultimate Member, such as a new user registration or profile update, data is sent to Zapier to trigger actions in connected apps.
  • Action: Select this type to trigger the Zap based on events within Zapier itself. When an event occurs in Zapier, such as a new email arriving or a file being uploaded, actions can be taken within Ultimate Member or other connected apps.
Status This setting allows you to control the current state of your Zap. You can choose from the following options:
  • Running: Select this option to enable the trigger or action. When the trigger or action is running, it will actively listen for the specified event in Ultimate Member and initiate the Zap when the event occurs.
  • Draft: Choose this option if you're still configuring your trigger or action and want to save your progress without activating it. In draft mode, the trigger or action is not active and will not initiate the Zap.
  • Paused: Use this option to temporarily stop the trigger or action from running. When a trigger or action is paused, it will not respond to the specified event in Ultimate Member, and the Zap will not be initiated until the status is changed back to "Running."
Zap Webhook URL This option is only available for the "Trigger Type" Zap, where the Zap is initiated based on events within Ultimate Member. This field is where you need to enter the webhook URL from Zap's settings on zapier.com.

A webhook is a way for one application to send real-time data to another application. In this context, the webhook URL is unique and provided by Zapier for your Zap, which allows Ultimate Member to send data to Zapier when a specified event occurs.

To set up this field, you'll first need to create a Zap in Zapier with a "Webhooks by Zapier" trigger. Zapier will provide you with a webhook URL, which you then copy and paste into this field in your Ultimate Member settings. You can read the full setup here:
Trigger This option is only available when the " Trigger type"  is selected. It specifies the specific event in UM that triggers the Zap.These are the Ultimate Member triggers that push data to your Zapier Webhook:
  • When a new user registers: This trigger fires when a new user completes the registration process on your Ultimate Member site. It allows you to automate tasks such as sending welcome emails, updating CRM systems, or adding the user to a mailing list.
  • When a user logs in: This trigger activates each time a user logs into your Ultimate Member site. It can be used to track login activity, send login notifications, or update the last login information in a database.
  • When a user deletes their account: This trigger occurs when a user deletes their account from your Ultimate Member site. It allows you to perform actions such as removing the user from associated services, sending account deletion confirmations, or updating records.
  • When a user updates their profile: This trigger is initiated when a user makes changes to their profile information on your Ultimate Member site. It can be used to sync profile updates across different platforms, send update notifications, or log changes for auditing purposes.
  • When an admin approves an account that's pending admin review: This trigger fires when an administrator approves a user account that was previously pending. It allows you to automate tasks such as sending approval notifications, updating user status in external systems, or granting access to restricted content.
  • When a user activates their account via email: This trigger activates when a user successfully verifies their email address and activates their account through the email verification link. It can be used to send welcome messages, grant access to member-only areas, or update user status in connected applications.
UM Zapier Trigger This option is only available when the "Action type" is selected for your Zap. These triggers are specific events within Ultimate Member that can push data to your website through Zapier. Currently, there are three available triggers:
  • Register a User: This trigger activates when a new user registers on your Ultimate Member website. You can use this trigger to perform actions based on new user registrations, such as sending a welcome email or adding the user to a specific group.
  • Delete a User: This trigger activates when a user is deleted from your Ultimate Member website. You can use this trigger to perform actions such as removing the user from other connected systems or sending a notification.
  • Update a User: This trigger activates when a user's profile is updated on your Ultimate Member website. You can use this trigger to perform actions based on profile updates, such as updating a CRM system or sending a notification to the user.
Select the appropriate trigger based on the event you want to use as a trigger for your Zap and configure the Zap to perform the desired actions in response to that trigger.
Roles This option is only available for "Trigger Type" Zap. This setting allows you to specify which user roles should trigger an action when registering. This setting ensures that only users with the selected roles will have their registration data pushed to Zapier. By default, all roles are deselected. Unless you choose specific roles, the action will trigger for any user role upon registration, pushing their data to Zapier. If no roles are selected, the system will push data for any newly registered user to Zapier. However, if specific roles are selected, only users with those roles will have their data pushed to Zapier upon registration. 
To select multiple roles, press ctrl or cmd and click the roles you want to select.
Fields This setting allows you to define or select the data fields from Ultimate Member that will be sent to Zapier. The available fields depend on whether you are configuring a "Trigger Type" or "Action Type" Zap.

  • For Trigger Type Zap: You can choose from lists of the data fields from Ultimate Member that can be sent to Zapier. These fields will be included in the webhook request that is sent to Zapier when the specified event occurs in Ultimate Member. This allows you to send specific user information or other data to Zapier for further processing.

Note: Whenever you modify your form’s field settings in Ultimate Member, such as adding or removing fields, you’ll need to re-sync your changes with Zapier to ensure that the correct fields are being sent.

  • For Action Type Zap: You add fields that will be added to the Zap actions to be populated by a Zapier App trigger. These fields define the data that will be sent from Zapier to Ultimate Member to perform specific actions, such as updating a user's profile or adding a user to a group.

Note: Whenever you modify your form’s field settings in Ultimate Member, you’ll need to re-sync your changes with Zapier. To do this, go to Zapier.com, edit the Ultimate Member Zap's action, navigate to "Setup Action," and click "Refresh fields" to ensure that the correct fields are available for mapping in your Zap.

Send Data to Zapier button This button is specifically designed for Trigger Type Zaps and appears when this type is selected. Its function is to update the connection between your Ultimate Member form and Zapier, ensuring that any changes made to your field settings are reflected in the data sent to Zapier.

When you make modifications to the field settings in your Ultimate Member form, such as adding or removing fields, it's essential to use the "Send Data to Zapier" button to synchronize these changes with your Zap. This action ensures that the correct fields are available for mapping in your Zap, enabling seamless data transfer between Ultimate Member and Zapier.

By clicking this button, you maintain the integrity of your data flow, ensuring that the information sent from Ultimate Member to Zapier is accurate and up-to-date based on your form's current configuration.

Settings for Trigger Type Zap:

Settings for Action Type Zap: