Zapier Setup for Actions


Ultimate Member's Zapier integration allows you to automate creating and updating users, items, or data through various apps. Using Zapier Actions, you can set up workflows to automatically handle tasks when specific events are triggered. This guide will walk you through integrating Google Sheets with Ultimate Member, allowing you to seamlessly manage user data. 

What are Zapier Actions?

Zapier Actions are tasks that you want to be automatically performed after a specific trigger event occurs. It pushes or puts new data into apps through API calls that pass data from user-customized input fields. In this context, an action can be registering a new user or updating existing user data in Ultimate Member based on the data provided in Google Sheets.

Note: The Zapier Actions setup described in this article is from an external app (e.g., Google Sheets) to Ultimate Member on your WordPress site. This means that data from the external app will be used to create or update user information in Ultimate Member.

App Setup Google Spreadsheet

  • Go to
  • Create a blank spreadsheet and name it “Import Users”
  • Add these as spreadsheet header columns( add to each cell column ) this is important:   user_email, first_name, last_name
  • Add these sample data below the header columns( add to each cell column ):, John, Doe

  • Save the spreadsheet and then go to

Setting up Actions in Ultimate Member

To read more information about each setting, please refer to this article.

  1. Create a UM Field Group:
    • Go to WP Admin > Ultimate Member > Zaps.
    • Click the "Add New Zap" button.
    • Name your field group or Zap, e.g., "Import User Details."
    • Under Setup Zaps, select "Action" and set the Status to "Running" add the fields to be filled by the trigger (e.g., first_namelast_nameuser_email). 
    • Click the "Create" button to save.

Setting Up Actions in Zapier

Zaps Trigger

The setup guide below will guide you to create a trigger to throw data from Google spreadsheet to Zapier.

  1. Login to
  2. On the Zapier dashboard, click the "+ Create" button and choose "Zaps" from the menu options.

  3. Add a title for your zap. Choose the "Trigger" zap. Then search and select Google Sheets as your trigger app.

  4. On the right side, you'll find the Google Sheet Zap configuration. In the "App & event" tab, select an event. In this example, we have selected "New or Updated Spreadsheet Row." Click on the "Continue" button to proceed to the Account tab.

  5. Connect your account to the Google Sheets by clicking the Sign in button. It will redirect you to the authentication page where you must sign in to your Google account and authenticate the app. 

  6. The "Allow" button process allows Zapier to access your Google Account securely. Zapier must use your Google services, like Drive and Sheets, for automation. It ensures secure authentication without revealing your password and gives you control over access.

  7. Back in the Trigger Zap configuration, in the Account tab, check if the account is connected, then click the "Continue" button this will take you to the "Trigger" tab. 

  8. In the Trigger tab, select the spreadsheet and worksheet you will use for the trigger. The default trigger column is set to "any_column" It will trigger changes to any cell within the row. However, you can still choose a specific trigger column which means that It will be triggered only when there are changes made in that specific column, but if you want to set it back to the default, leave this field blank by clicking on the "clear selection" button.  

    Note: All the new rows will trigger the Zap even if the trigger column is empty. Add a Filter step to prevent the Zap from continuing if this column is empty in a new row.

  9. Once you have configured, click the "Continue" button. This will take you to the Test Tab where you can test your trigger by clicking on the Test trigger button. It will display the data from the spreadsheet as Zapier allows mapping data from your spreadsheet. If the trigger test is successful, you can now proceed to setting up the action. 

Zaps Action

The setup below is a guide to creating Zap action to throw the data from Zapier to your Ultimate Member site.

  1. Set up the action event by selecting "Action" zap. Search Ultimate Member from the list of apps and select "Ultimate Member (1.0.0)." 

  2. On the right side, you'll find the configuration options for the zap. In the "App & Event" tab, select an event. In this example, we have selected "Register User" as the action event. Ultimate Member offers three action events:
    1. Register User
      • Action: Registers a user to the website.
    2. Delete User
      • Search: Finds a user account and deletes it. Optionally, confirm user deletion if no account is found.
    3. Search & Update Users
      • Search: Finds a user by email address or username and updates the user's details. Optionally, create a search & update the user if no account is found.
  3. Once you have selected an event, click the "Continue" button. It will take you to the Account tab. 
  4. In the "Account" tab, you can manage all your connected accounts. Ultimate Member (1.0.0) is a secure partner with Zapier; your credentials are encrypted and can be removed at any time. When you click the "Choose" button, you can see here a list of your connected accounts if there are any, you can select one of your existing accounts or connect a new account by clicking the "+ Connect a new account" button.

  5. The button will redirect you to an authentication page, where you are required to enter your Website URL, username and password. It allows Zapier to access your Ultimate Member (1.0.0) account by providing the necessary credentials. Then click the "Yes, continue to Ultimate Member (1.0.0) " button to authenticate.

    Note: The password used in this authentication is the Application Password generated in wp-admin>Users> Edit a user>Application Passwords.

  6. Back in the Zap configuration, in the Account tab, check if the account is connected, then click the "Continue" button this will take you to the "Action" tab. 

  7. In the " Action" tab, you have to fill up the following fields:

    • Email Address or Username (required): The UM Zapier module will search for a user with the Email Address or Username on your website. If the account exists, this won't create a new user account. To update the existing account, set the option "Update When The Account Exists" value to "True"
    • Update when the account exists (required): Yes: If the account exists, this option will update the user data instead. Default No: If an account exists the user will not update data.

    • UM Field Group: Choose a UM Field group created in WP Admin > Ultimate Member > Zaps. When you have selected your UM field group, additional fields will be added below this setting.

    • Account Role: Set a default role when registering a user

    • Account Status: Set the default account status when registering a user. 

  8. Then click on the "Continue" button, and it will take you to the Test Tab. Here you'll see the "Data in list," which is the data that will be created when a new user registers. 

  9. Click on the "Test step" button, you'll now see the "Data out" list, which shows the data of the new user registered from the input data on the Google spreadsheet. The data message is from Ultimate Member to inform that the user has been created.

  10. Check in  wp-admin>Users if the transfer has worked. If it is successful click on the "Publish" button. You must publish your Zap to save the changes and to keep the synchronization of Zapier and Ultimate Member, for other data you'll input in the Google spreadsheet.