Display Subscription Status, Invoices and Active Subscriptions in the Admin screen

The Stripe Extension has features that display subscription status, invoices, and active subscriptions on the admin screen. This article will explain how to use the features.

Display Subscription Status

When you have successfully set up your Stripe Extension, go to  wp-admin > Users. Here you'll see the following subscription statuses for your users:

Active displays when the user's subscription is active
Inactive displays when the user's subscription is inactive
Trialing displays when the user's subscription is trialing
Canceled displays when the user's subscription is canceled
Revoked displays when the user's subscription has been revoked after assigning the Stripe customer to another WP account
Unpaid displays when the user's subscription is unpaid 
Past Due displays when the user's subscription is past due 
Paused displays when the user's subscription is paused

The " View on Stripe" link under each status opens a new tab to your customer's Stripe overview page

Invoices and Active Subscriptions

When you edit a user with an  active subscription status in wp-admin > Users, you'll be able to see the user's or customer's subscriptions and invoices table under the Ultimate Member Stripe section.

The invoice table will only display the most recent invoices, not all. You need to click the "Manage on Stripe" link, which will open a new tab to the customer overview on Stripe.com.

Note: You may test or create a simulation of how the statuses change when testing your integration with Stripe test clocks. See https://docs.ultimatemember.com/article/1803-test-your-integration-with-stripe-test-clocks for more information.