How to add fields to a form


Ultimate Member allows you to add fields to the registration and profile forms. You can add some of the pre-defined fields to your forms or create your own custom fields. Predefined fields are default fields already existing or recognized by Ultimate Member while custom fields are fields you have added or need to create within UM forms.

Note: Ultimate Member does not add fields to the wp-admin > Users > Profile screen.

Note: Follow steps described in the article Adding existing fields from Register form to Profile form if you want to add the existing fields from the Register form to the Profile form.

To add fields to a form you need to do the following:

  1. Go to wp-admin > Ultimate Member > Forms.
  2. Edit the registration or profile form.

  3. Click on the '+' button in the Form Builder to open up a new field modal.

  4. Click the field type to create a new custom field or select a predefined field.

  5. If you select a predefined field it will then appear on the form.

    If you select to set up a new field, the field option modal will appear once you click on one of the field types. When you're done setting up a new field it will be added under the Custom fields.

  6. Once you have added the fields you want to the registration and/or profile form, click on the update button to save the changes.