NGINX Configuration Rewrite Rule for Ultimate Member


A rewrite rule, a directive within web server configuration files, serves to alter or adjust the requested URL prior to server processing. Frequently utilized for URL rewriting, this technique enables websites to display clean, user-friendly URLs while internally directing them to varied locations or formats.

In the context of the Ultimate Member (UM) plugin, a rewrite rule becomes essential for facilitating file or photo downloads. When users initiate downloads, the URL structure may not be directly interpretable by the UM core. Consequently, the rewrite rule transforms the URL into a format comprehensible to the UM core, ensuring correct processing of download actions. The absence of this rule may lead to download errors or incomplete file/photo retrievals through UM. Integration of this rule into NGINX configuration guarantees proper handling and processing of UM download requests by the UM core.


When using the Ultimate Member (UM) plugin with NGINX as the web server, a rewrite rule is required to properly handle the download of files or photos. This rule ensures that download requests are correctly processed by the UM core.

Why is the Rewrite Rule Needed?

NGINX uses a different configuration syntax than Apache, the more commonly used web server. Unlike Apache, which can interpret .htaccess files to handle URL rewrites, NGINX requires explicit rewrite rules in its configuration to achieve the same effect. Therefore, when using UM with NGINX, a rewrite rule must be included in the NGINX configuration to translate URLs for UM downloads into a format that UM can understand and process.

Rewrite Rule

rewrite ^/um-download/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$ /index.php?um_action=download&um_form=$1&um_field=$2&um_user=$3&um_verify=$4 last;


  • ^/um-download/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$: This part of the rule matches the URL pattern for downloading files or photos in UM. It captures four groups: $1, $2, $3, and $4.
  • /index.php?um_action=download&um_form=$1&um_field=$2&um_user=$3&um_verify=$4: This part of the rule rewrites the URL to the appropriate format for UM to handle the download action. It includes the captured groups from the URL pattern as parameters (um_form, um_field, um_user, um_verify).


  • Original URL:
  • Rewritten URL:


  • This rule should be placed in the NGINX configuration file within the appropriate server block or location block.
  • Ensure that the path to the index.php file matches the actual path on your server.

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