Stripe Extension Common Issues

The Ultimate Member Stripe Extension is a powerful tool for integrating Stripe payments with your Ultimate Member site. However, users might encounter some common issues. Here’s a guide to help you troubleshoot and resolve these problems:

1. Cache Issues and Redirect Loops

Issue: Users may experience a redirect loop when using the Stripe payment gateway, often caused by caching issues.


  • Clear Cache:
    • Clear your site’s cache using your caching plugin or server settings. Ensure you also clear your browser cache to avoid stale data.
  • Disable Caching Temporarily:
    • Temporarily disable caching plugins or server-side caching to check if the issue persists.
  • Check Redirect URLs:
    • Ensure that the redirect URLs configured in the Stripe settings are correct and do not cause infinite loops.

For more information on caching issues, see the Caching Problems documentation.

2. Invalid Signature Key

Issue: An “invalid signature key” error may occur if the webhook URL is not correctly configured or if there are issues with the Stripe webhook.


  • Delete Webhook URL:
    • If you encounter this issue and you haven’t yet activated live subscriptions, go to your Stripe dashboard and delete the existing webhook URL.
  • Reconfigure Webhook:
    • Recreate the webhook URL in the Stripe dashboard and ensure it matches the one configured in your Ultimate Member Stripe Extension settings.

3. Permissions and Restricted Key

Issue: Issues may arise due to incorrect permissions or restricted API keys.


  • Verify Permissions:
    • Check the permissions of your API keys in the Stripe dashboard to ensure they have the necessary access rights.
  • Update Key Permissions:
    • Adjust the permissions or use a key with the correct access level if needed.

4. Mismatched API Keys

Issue: A common problem is when the API keys configured in Ultimate Member do not match those in your Stripe account.


  • Check API Keys:
    • Ensure that the API keys set in your Ultimate Member Stripe Extension settings match the keys provided in your Stripe dashboard.
  • Update Keys:
    • If there is a discrepancy, update the API keys in the Ultimate Member settings to match the correct keys from Stripe.

5. Plugin Conflicts

Issue: Conflicts with other plugins can cause issues with the Ultimate Member Stripe Extension.


  • Conduct Plugin Conflict Test:
    • Deactivate all other plugins except Ultimate Member and Stripe Extension to check if the issue persists.  For guidance on conducting a plugin/theme conflict test, refer to How to do a Plugin/Theme Conflict Test.
  • Reactivate Plugins:
    • Reactivate plugins one by one to identify which one might be causing the conflict.
  • Check for Updates:
    • Ensure all plugins and themes are updated to their latest versions to minimize compatibility issues.