Ultimate Member 2.8.7 User Management: What's New and How to Use It


In version 2.8.7, Ultimate Member introduced several enhancements to its user management system. This documentation will guide you through the changes and provide steps to manage users efficiently using the latest version.

Ultimate Member’s user management feature allows site administrators to manage user accounts, set statuses, and perform bulk actions directly from the WordPress admin panel. With version 2.8.7, key areas such as filtering user statuses and performing actions on individual users have been streamlined for a better experience.

This guide will cover:

  1. What's New in Ultimate Member 2.8.7
  2. Comparing Old and New Workflows
  3. Managing User Statuses
  4. Performing Quick Actions
  5. Using Bulk Actions
  6. UM Actions in User Profile
  7. Additional Actions for Verified Users, User Reviews & Mailchimp Extensions
  8. Best Practices

1. What's New in Ultimate Member 2.8.7? #

The latest update focuses on simplifying the user management interface and improving usability. Here are the major changes:

  • Status Tabs Moved to Dropdown: Instead of individual tabs for each user status (Approved, Pending Review, etc.), all statuses have been grouped into a single dropdown for cleaner navigation. This dropdown allows administrators to easily filter users by the selected status.
  • Quick Actions for User Management: Actions such as "Resend Activation Email" and "Reject" are now accessible directly from the user list, without needing to dig through dropdown menus.
  • Bulk Actions Merged: The old UM Actions dropdown has been integrated into the WordPress native Bulk Actions menu, combining all actions into one unified interface.
  • User Profile Gear Icon: Administrators can now perform actions directly from a user’s profile by clicking the gear icon in the user list. The available actions depend on the user's status.

These changes allow admins to manage users more effectively with fewer clicks and less clutter.

2. Comparing Old and New Workflows#

The new version reduces clutter and makes both individual and bulk actions faster and more intuitive to access. To help you transition to the new workflow in version 2.8.7, here’s a quick comparison between how things worked in previous versions and how they work now:

Feature Previous Version (Pre-2.8.7) New Version (2.8.7)
User Statuses Statuses are displayed as separate tabs.

Moved to a single All Statuses dropdown.
UM Actions Separate UM Actions dropdown for bulk actions.

Integrated into WordPress Bulk Actions menu. Unified for easier use.

Quick Actions No quick links in the Status column; actions were buried in dropdowns.

Quick-action links for UM actions or tasks like  Resend Activation Email, Reject, Deactivate and more.

UM Actions in Profile

Actions were not accessible from user profiles.

The gear icon in the user's profile shows relevant actions for each user.

3. Managing User Statuses#

In previous versions of Ultimate Member, different user statuses were shown as separate tabs (e.g., All, Approved, Pending Review, Inactive). This layout could become overwhelming when numerous statuses and roles were displayed together, as illustrated in the image below:

New in Version 2.8.7: Status Dropdown

Now, all user statuses have been consolidated into a single dropdown menu labelled "All Statuses". This dropdown allows you to filter users by their status quickly, without taking up unnecessary screen space.

How to Filter Users by Status:

  1. Go to WP Admin > Users in the WordPress admin sidebar.
  2. Look for the All Statuses dropdown above the user table.
  3. Click the dropdown and choose the status you want to filter by:
    1. All Statuses: Displays all user accounts, regardless of their current status, allowing administrators to view and manage every registered user efficiently.
    2. Approved: Indicates that a user's account has been verified and granted access to the site, allowing them to utilize all member features. 
    3. Pending administrator review: Represents users whose registrations are awaiting approval by an administrator, requiring review before access is granted.
    4. Waiting email confirmation: Refers to users who have registered but have not yet confirmed their email address, restricting their access until verification is completed.
    5. Membership inactive: Signifies that a user’s account is temporarily deactivated, preventing them from logging in or accessing site features until reactivated.
    6. Membership rejected: Indicates that a user's registration request has been denied by an administrator, preventing them from accessing the site.
  4. After selecting the status, click on the "Filter" button, and the user list will automatically update to display only users with the selected status, making it easier to filter and manage users based on their account state.

Screenshot Example:

This streamlined filtering method makes it easier to locate users in specific states without excessive navigation.

4. Performing Quick Actions#

A new feature in version 2.8.7 is the ability to perform Quick Actions directly from the user list. This means you no longer need to navigate through bulk action menus for common tasks like resending an activation email or rejecting a user’s registration.

Default Quick Actions Links:

  • Approve: This action allows administrators to change a user's status from Pending or Rejected to Approved. It signifies that the user's registration or application has been successfully verified and accepted, granting them full access to the site’s features and content.
  • Put as Pending: This action reverts a user’s status back to Pending for further review. It is useful for situations where additional verification or action is required before granting full access.
  • Send Activation Email: This action triggers the sending of an activation email to users who have registered but have not yet verified their email address. It is an essential tool for facilitating user engagement and ensuring that members complete their registration process. By sending this activation email, you can prompt users to confirm their email address, allowing them to access all features of your website.
  • Resend Activation Email: This action sends an activation email again to users who have not yet verified their email address. It is helpful in reminding users to complete their registration process.
  • Reject: This action immediately rejects a user's registration or application. It is typically used when a user does not meet the required criteria or if there are issues with their registration.
  • Deactivate: This action temporarily deactivates the user, changing their status to Inactive. While deactivated, the user will not be able to log in or access any site features.
  • Reactivate:  This action changes a user's status from Inactive back to Approved. It restores the user's account access and privileges, allowing them to log in and utilize the site’s features again. Reactivation is commonly used for users whose accounts were previously deactivated for inactivity or administrative reasons.

The available Quick Actions for each user depend on their current status. Ultimate Member 2.8.7 introduces tailored quick actions for different user states, enabling faster decision-making and easier management.

Quick Action Links Based on User Status:

Status Quick Action Links
Approved Put as Pending, Send Activation Email, Reject, Deactivate
Rejected Approve, Put as Pending, Send Activation Email, Deactivate
Pending Administrator Review
Approve, Reject, Send Activation Email, Deactivate
Membership Inactive Reactivate, Put as Pending, Send Activation Email
Waiting email confirmation Approve, Put as Pending, Resend Activation Email, Deactivate

Each of these actions is available directly from the Status column in the user list, making it quick and convenient to manage users without switching between multiple menus.

How to Use Quick Actions:

  1. Navigate to the Users in the WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Hover your cursor to a user.
  3. In the Status column, you'll see options for each user based on their current status.
  4. Click the desired action link. In the example used below, we selected "Put as pending"
  5. The selected action will be applied immediately, without the need for confirmation through additional menus. A notification will also appear above the table to indicate the action taken. However, for rejecting or deactivating a user, a confirmation window will pop up, allowing you to either proceed with the action or cancel it.

Screenshots Example:

This change reduces the number of steps needed to manage users, saving time when you have many user accounts to handle.

5. Using Bulk Actions#

Bulk actions are essential when managing a large number of users. In previous versions of Ultimate Member, the Ultimate Member Actions(UM Actions) dropdown, is separated from WordPress’s built-in Bulk Actions dropdown menu.

New in Version 2.8.7: Unified Bulk Actions Menu

The UM Actions dropdown has now been merged with the native Bulk Actions dropdown, combining all actions into a single, simplified menu. The integration of UM Actions into WordPress's built-in Bulk Actions dropdown menu streamlines the user management interface, making it more intuitive and efficient for administrators. This consolidation reduces clutter and speeds up action execution, allowing bulk operations on user accounts with fewer clicks. The familiar WordPress layout eases navigation for new users, minimizes training time, and enhances workflow by enabling quick switching between actions. Overall, these improvements lead to more efficient user management and a better experience for both administrators and site users.

WordPress Bulk Actions:

  • Delete: Permanently remove the selected user(s) from your site.
  • Send Password Reset: Send an email with a password reset link to the selected user(s).

Ultimate Member Actions:

  • Approve Membership: Grants full access by approving the user’s membership.
  • Reject Membership: Denies membership, preventing the user from accessing member-only content.
  • Put as Pending Review: Marks the user’s status as pending for further review.
  • Resend Activation E-mail: Sends a new account activation email to the user.
  • Deactivate: Temporarily disables the user’s account.
  • Reactivate: Restores access by reactivating a deactivated account.

How to Perform Bulk Actions:

  1. In the Users section, check the boxes next to the usernames to which you want to apply bulk actions.

  2. At the top or bottom of the user list, open the Bulk Actions dropdown.
  3. Select the action you wish to apply.

  4. Click the Apply button to perform the action on all selected users.

  5. Once applied, a notification will appear indicating the number of users affected by the action, and the user’s status will update immediately.

    Use Case: Bulk Approving Users

    Bulk actions are particularly useful when managing users with different statuses. For example, if you have three users selected:

    • 1 user is already approved
    • 2 users are pending admin review

    If you select all three users and choose Bulk Approve, only the two users with a pending review status will be approved. The user already approved will retain their status without any additional hooks or actions running under the hood, as their status has not changed. This ensures that no unnecessary actions are performed on users whose status does not require modification, making bulk actions both efficient and precise.

5. UM Actions in User Profile #

Administrators can manage user accounts more efficiently by performing actions directly from the user's profile. By clicking the gear icon next to a user’s name in the user list, a set of actions tailored to the user's current status is displayed. This allows for tasks such as approving, rejecting, or deactivating users without leaving the user's profile, streamlining the user management process.

Pre-Version vs. New Version

In  previous versions of Ultimate Member, user action options were limited, with some tasks requiring multiple steps in wp-admin > Users, involving navigation between different pages. For example, actions like Resending Activation Emails or Rejecting Membership were separate from the user profile and often required several clicks to complete.

In  version 2.8.7, the process has been improved by centralizing user actions into a single gear icon in the user's profile. This update significantly reduces the number of clicks needed to perform tasks such as approving, rejecting, or resending activation emails. The menu now consolidates actions directly into the user's profile, saving time for administrators.

Previous Version Settings
New Version Settings (2.8.7)
  • Put as Pending Review
  • Deactivate this Account
  • Delete this User
  • Login as this User
  • Edit Profile
  • Block Reviews
  • Cancel
  • Put as Pending Review
  • Send Activation Email (new)
  • Reject Membership (new)
  • Deactivate this Account
  • Delete this User
  • Login as this User
  • Edit Profile
  • Cancel

These improvements make it easier for administrators to quickly manage users based on their current status without navigating through multiple menus.

Security Considerations

For security reasons, administrators cannot perform actions on their own accounts. This measure ensures that no accidental or malicious actions can be taken that might affect admin privileges or access, maintaining a high level of security for administrative accounts.

Status in Member Directory  and User Profile 

From the Member Directory lists, administrators can easily view the status of each user, allowing them to quickly identify whether a user is active, pending review, approved, or deactivated. This clear visibility into user statuses helps administrators efficiently manage memberships and take necessary actions, such as approving, rejecting, or reactivating accounts, without needing to navigate to each profile to check the status. By having this information readily accessible, the Member Directory becomes a powerful tool for streamlining user management and ensuring a smooth, organized workflow for site administrators.

When administrators view the user’s profile, they can see a special status label, such as  Pending Approval, or Membership approval, which is only visible to them. This label helps admins quickly assess the user’s current standing and registration status, allowing for more efficient decision-making without needing to delve into multiple sections.

6. Additional Actions for User Reviews, Verified Users & Mailchimp Extensions #

If Verified UsersUser Reviews, and MailChimp extensions are activated on your site, additional quick actions will be available in the Status column, providing further management options tailored to your needs.

Verified Users

In  wp-admin> Users, the Status column shows whether a user is verified or unverified. You can quickly update the user's status by clicking the quick action link in this column. This link allows you to easily verify or unverified a user without needing to navigate to another page or access a dropdown menu with additional options, making user management faster and more efficient

Administrators can also perform a quick action to block a user's review directly from their profile page. This feature provides a convenient way to manage individual users without navigating through multiple menus. With just a few clicks, an admin can prevent a user from leaving further reviews, ensuring swift action is taken when necessary. This quick-access functionality enhances overall user management by allowing administrators to address review concerns immediately while reviewing a user’s profile.

You can also filter users by status, allowing you to view users who are  VerifiedUnverified, or have Requested Verification. This feature helps streamline the management of user accounts by letting you quickly locate users based on their verification status.

You can also perform bulk actions in WP Admin > Users, making it easier to manage multiple accounts at once. Bulk actions include:

  • Approve Verification Requests: Accepts and confirms user requests for verification.
  • Reject Verification Requests: Denies user requests for verification.
  • Mark Accounts as Verified: Updates user accounts to indicate they are verified.
  • Mark Accounts as Unverified: Changes user accounts back to an unverified status.

These options help you efficiently manage user verification statuses without handling each account individually

User Reviews

When the User Reviews extension is activated, additional options for Bulk Actions and Quick Actions in wp-admin>Users become available, enhancing your control over user reviews. Administrators can now block or unblock individual user reviews directly from the status column using the quick action feature. This makes it easy to manage reviews on a case-by-case basis.

Administrators can also perform a quick action to block a user's review directly from their profile page. This feature provides a convenient way to manage individual users without navigating through multiple menus. With just a few clicks, an admin can prevent a user from leaving further reviews, ensuring swift action is taken when necessary. This quick-access functionality enhances overall user management by allowing administrators to address review concerns immediately while reviewing a user’s profile.

Additionally, the Bulk Action feature allows you to block or unblock reviews for multiple users at once, streamlining the process when dealing with large numbers of reviews. These added functionalities provide greater flexibility and efficiency, ensuring that administrators can maintain the quality and appropriateness of user reviews across the site with minimal effort.

Additionally, you can filter the user list by review status to display only users whose reviews are either allowed or blocked. This filtering option simplifies the process of managing user reviews by letting administrators quickly identify which users have active reviews and which have been restricted. It enables faster, more targeted actions, helping to maintain control over the content being posted on the site and ensuring reviews align with the site's standards.


When the MailChimp extension is activated, you'll find an additional dropdown menu for MailChimp Bulk Actions in the user management area. This menu allows you to perform bulk operations on user subscriptions efficiently. You’ll also see dedicated buttons for Subscribe and Unsubscribe, enabling you to easily manage your users' email preferences directly from the WordPress dashboard.

With these features, you can streamline your email marketing efforts by quickly adding or removing multiple users from your MailChimp lists without having to navigate away from the user management interface. This integration enhances your ability to engage with users while ensuring that your email lists are up to date with the correct subscriptions.

7. Best Practices for Managing Users #

With the updated interface, managing your users is faster and more intuitive. Here are some best practices to ensure you get the most out of Ultimate Member’s user management features:

  • Use the Status Dropdown: Instead of searching through various tabs, use the All Statuses dropdown to filter and find users quickly.
  • Leverage Quick Actions: For tasks like resending emails or rejecting individual users, or needing to do a single action use the new quick action links to speed up your workflow.
  • Apply Bulk Actions: If you manage a large user base, applying actions to multiple users at once via the Bulk Actions dropdown can save considerable time.
  • Regularly Review Inactive Users: To maintain a clean user database, regularly filter for inactive users and either deactivate or delete them using bulk actions.
    Related Articles:
  • Addressing User Concerns: Navigating Changes in Ultimate Member 2.8.7