Addressing User Concerns: Navigating Changes in Ultimate Member 2.8.7


With the release of Ultimate Member 2.8.7, several key changes were introduced to the user management interface. While these updates aimed to enhance performance and security, they have led to confusion among administrators or users. This guide explains the recent changes, the rationale behind them, and the alternatives available for users and site admins.

Key Changes in 2.8.7

1. Pending Review Users Hidden by Default:

  • In the previous versions, admins could easily filter pending users using the “Pending” filter link at the top of the users' table. Now, this filter is no longer displayed as a default link.
  • Instead, to view pending users, admins must use the "All Statuses" dropdown menu in the wp-admin > Users screen. This change is part of an effort to simplify the interface and improve performance for sites with large numbers of users.

2. Approving Members Moved to Bulk Actions:

  • The option to approve users has been relocated. Previously, admins could find “Approve Member” under a “UM Action” dropdown menu. In 2.8.7, this functionality has been moved to the "Bulk Actions" menu.
  •      This change ensures a more WordPress-native user experience but has caused some confusion as it alters the familiar workflow.

Why Were These Changes Made?

The primary reason for these updates was related to security and performance:
  • Security: The changes address the vulnerability CVE ID: CVE-2024-8520. To ensure more secure handling of user actions, Ultimate Member redesigned the user action handlers.
  • Performance: For sites with 5,000+ users, displaying all user statuses, such as “Pending,” every time the page loads can put a significant strain on the server. By simplifying the interface and making statuses accessible through the "All Statuses" dropdown, the performance impact is reduced, especially on high-traffic sites.

Concerns from Users

Many users have expressed frustration with these changes, particularly:
  • Hidden Pending Users Filter: Admins are now forced to take additional steps to find pending users, which can cause confusion. Some clients, as reported, have mistaken the absence of the "Pending" filter for a security breach.
  • Relocation of Approve Action: Moving the approval action to the "Bulk Actions" menu has also disrupted the workflow for many site admins, especially those managing large sites or multiple sites.

Is There a Preference Setting to Resolve This?

At the time of writing, there is no built-in preference setting in Ultimate Member to revert these changes. However, there is a workaround:
Gist Solution: For sites that do not have performance concerns (e.g., fewer than 5,000 users), admins can implement a custom Gist to restore the list table views, including "Pending Users," as clickable links. This solution reverts the interface to its pre-2.8.7 behaviour but may reduce performance on larger sites.
Admins can add this code to their theme or child theme’s `functions.php` file. However, Ultimate Member does **not recommend** using this solution for sites with large user bases due to the performance issues it may cause.

How to Move Forward

While these changes might feel like a step backward for some users, they are part of a broader effort to ensure security and scalability for sites using Ultimate Member. If the current workflow presents challenges for your site, here are your options:
  • Small Sites (Less than 5,000 Users): Consider using the Gist solution to restore the pending user view as a clickable filter.
  • Large Sites (More than 5,000 Users):Stick with the current interface for optimal performance. Use the "All Statuses" dropdown to filter pending users and perform bulk approvals via the "Bulk Actions" menu.
  • Stay Updated: Ultimate Member developers are actively monitoring user feedback and may introduce additional enhancements in future releases.
For more details, check out the official Ultimate Member documentation on managing users:

Common Questions

Q1: Can I restore the "Pending Users" link?
- Yes, for small sites, you can use the Gist workaround. For larger sites, it's recommended to use the "All Statuses" dropdown for better performance.
Q2: Why is the approval action moved to "Bulk Actions"? 
- The change aligns with WordPress' native behavior and improves the UI/UX by simplifying action locations.
Q3: Is there a performance risk if I use the Gist solution on a large site?
- Yes, restoring the pre-2.8.7 behavior may degrade performance on sites with many users. For larger sites, it's best to stick with the current setup.


While these changes might require some adjustments, they are designed to improve the performance and security of Ultimate Member. For further assistance, the Ultimate Member team is actively addressing user concerns and providing workarounds where necessary.