Adding your custom profile templates


This guide shows you how to easily add custom profile templates that will be compatible with plugin updates, you can put in the child theme. The templates you add will become selectable when you customize a profile form, login form, or register form in the Template dropdown.

Warning: We highly recommend using child-theme for public free or pro themes. Do not edit template files within the core plugin itself, as they are overwritten during the upgrade process and any customizations will be lost. We recommend using a child-theme, which has no dependencies with the official themes repo, so your custom files cannot be rewritten after a theme upgrade.

How to add a template

Create a directory /wp-content/themes/YOUR-THEME/ultimate-member/templates/ if it does not exist. You can add your custom templates in this directory.

Each custom template has to be prefixed with the template type that you want: login, profile, register. For example, a custom login template can be named login-custom1.php, while a custom registration template can be named register-actor.php

You have to make the Ultimate Member recognize the template. Add a line with the template name to the top of your custom template. This lets the plugin know which template file is it (please use the same formatting) and makes it selectable in the Template selection dropdown when customizing a form.

<?php /* Template: Login Custom 1 */ ?>

That’s it. When you customize your forms you'll see the additional templates you created.

How to add a profile template

  1. Copy the file /wp-content/plugins/ultimate-member/templates/profile.php into the directory /wp-content/themes/YOUR-THEME/ultimate-member/templates/
  2. Rename the new file, use a name like profile-one.php or profile-mine.php
  3. Open a new file and add the comment with the template name after the PHP starting tag. See the example below. Change what you need in this template and save the file.
<?php /* Template: Profile One */

Once new profile templates are added you'll see them in the options of these settings:

  • Profile Default Template on wp-admin > Ultimate Member > Settings > Appearance > Profile
  • Template on wp-admin > Ultimate Member > Forms > Edit Form (profile)

Image - The setting "Profile Default Template"

Image - The setting "Template"