Using HTML in e-mail templates
This new feature allows you to send your users e-mail notifications in HTML instead of regular plain text e-mails.
Turn on HTML in e-mails
To activate this feature, you have to turn on HTML for e-mails from the Settings> Emails tab.
Customize the HTML templates
The plugin includes default and basic HTML e-mail templates in the following directory: /wp-content/plugins/ultimate-member/templates/email/ and you will notice that each e-mail notification has an HTML template in that folder. To customize these templates, you have to override and create your own HTML templates and place them in a directory outside of the plugin (to protect the custom templates when the plugin is updated).
To do this you need to do the following:
1. Via FTP or File Manager (if using cPanel) navigate to your theme folder (We are using Twenty Fifteen as an example).
2. Enter the theme folder and within the theme create a new folder and name it "ultimate-member".
3. Enter the ultimate-member folder and create a new folder called "templates"
4. Enter the templates folder and create a new folder called "email"
5. Enter the email folder and add your custom HTML email templates
This will ensure that your custom HTML templates will not be overridden by plugin updates. You can create your own HTML templates and start using them for your customer's notifications.
Important: You must not edit the HTML templates directly within the plugin as you will be lost the changes when you update Ultimate Member. You need to follow the instructions above.
Warning: We highly recommend using child-theme for public free or pro themes. Do not edit template files within the core plugin itself, as they are overwritten during the upgrade process and any customizations will be lost. We recommend using a child-theme, which has no dependencies with the official themes repo, so your custom files cannot be rewritten after a theme upgrade.