Stripe - Setting up Stripe Success, Cancel Payment, Already Subscribed,Customer Portal,Stripe Checkout URL and Embedded Checkout Pages

Once you have installed the Stripe extension on your WordPress website, a notification will appear at the top of your wp-admin page. This notification will indicate which pages need to be created. To create the required pages, click the "Create Pages" button. Once you have completed this step, the Stripe Pages, including the Success, Cancel, Already Subscribed, Stripe Checkout URL, and Customer Portal pages, will automatically be assigned to the page settings.

Note: If the 'Create Pages' button does not automatically generate the pages, you can create them manually. Refer to this article for guidance: How to Create Stripe Pages Manually

Go to wp-admin > Pages to check if the pages are successfully created.

Redirect Pages During the Subscription Process

When a user attempts to subscribe and is redirected to the Stripe Checkout page, there are three pages the user will be redirected to:

  1. Payment Successful Page
    The user will be redirected to this page when the payment is successful, and completed, or the subscription starts trialling. The default content of this page is a shortcode that displays the user's order details. For members who subscribe to a plan via the Register form, you must set the Success page URL in the User Role settings > Register options.

  2. Payment Canceled Page
    The user will be redirected to this page when they click on the logo of your store or the back button on the Stripe Checkout Page.

  3. Already Subscribed Page
    This page is a landing page when a user tries to subscribe with a direct Subscribe URL but they are already subscribed. They will be redirected to this page. The default content of this page is a message indicating that the user already has a subscription and a shortcode that displays a customer portal button linking to the Stripe customer portal site.

  4. Stripe Checkout URL
    This page is designated for the checkout URL that is created or generated after you've created or imported pricing information for a specific plan.
  5. Customer Portal
    This is a dedicated page created specifically for the direct customer portal URL, appearing as "". If a logged-in user attempts to access the page or its URL without actually accessing the page, they will be automatically redirected to the Stripe customer portal site. For more information, read this article.

To set the Success, Canceled, Already Subscribed, Stripe Checkout URL Page, and Customer Portal pages, go to WP Admin > Ultimate Member > Settings > General > Pages.

Additional Pages

The Stripe Embedded Checkout (Payment Checkout Page) and Stripe Cancellation Page are additional pages you may need to set up depending on your requirements. These options are not enabled by default, so you will need to manually enable them through the Ultimate Member plugin settings in wp-admin > Ultimate Member > Settings > Extensions > Stripe. By configuring these pages, you can enhance the checkout process and manage subscription cancellations more effectively, thereby improving the overall user experience on your website.

Stripe Embedded Checkout (Payment Checkout Page)

By enabling the 'Stripe Embedded Checkout' feature within the Stripe settings, when you click the 'Create pages' button, it will automatically generate the 'Payment Checkout page'. This specialized page is crafted to streamline the transaction process for users, facilitating quick and effortless purchases. Alternatively, if you prefer embedding the checkout form directly onto your website, you have the option to enable this setting. Doing so empowers users to finalize their purchases seamlessly without the need to navigate away from your site.

The image below illustrates the embedded checkout on a WordPress site when the "Stripe Embedded Checkout" option is enabled.

Stripe Cancellation Page

The Stripe Cancellation Page confirms the successful cancellation of subscriptions, providing users with clear confirmation and any necessary follow-up information. This page is customizable to enhance user experience and ensure customers understand their cancellation has been processed. By default, the Stripe Cancellation Page is not generated. To enable this page:

  1. Go to wp-admin > Ultimate Member > Settings > Extensions > Stripe.
  2. Enable the option "Stripe Cancellation Page".
  3. Save or update the settings.

After enabling the Stripe Cancellation Page, a notification will reappear at the top of your wp-admin page. Click on the "Create Pages" button again so that the cancellation page is generated. For a more detailed setup of Stripe Subscription Cancellation, refer to this article: Stripe Subscription Cancellation.

Note: If these pages are created manually, don't forget to set them in  WP Admin > Ultimate Member > Settings > General > Pages.