Restriction content priority

Notice: This article is actual since version 2.2.0. See the article for the version lower than 2.2.0 here.

Restore old business logic to avoid 404 errors: If you need to rollback restriction content logic for your current Ultimate Member version (>= 2.2.3) please use this option "Ultimate Member > Settings > Misc > Disable pre-queries for restriction content logic (advanced)". Then 404 error displaying will be replaced by the Hide from queries option and removing the post only from results (not a query). The old restriction logic is described here. Not recommended if you are a new customer or do not want search robots to detect the restricted content or its structure.Individual Post and Term content restriction settings

1. Individual Post (Page) Content Restriction Option - First Priority

To restrict access to a specific post or page, you should first check the "Access" settings and choose the post type you want to restrict. The individual post or page "Content Restriction" options should be configured next to ensure the desired level of restriction is achieved. It is important to note that the individual post or page "Content Restriction" options take priority over any other settings in this regard.

Image - Enable the "Content Restriction" settings for post types.

Image - Individual post (page) "Content Restriction" options.

2. Individual Term of Taxonomy Content Restriction Option - Second Priority

It is possible to assign each post to different categories, tags, or custom taxonomies. To limit access to all posts assigned to a particular term, it is necessary to select the term type in the "Access" settings and then configure the restriction in the individual term's (tag, category) content restriction options. This action should be given priority as the second step when setting up restrictions.

Image - Enable the "Content Restriction" settings for term types.

Image - Individual term (tag, category) content restriction options.

Then if the post, which  doesn't have an individual restriction option is assigned to a restricted term - then we use this term's restriction options.

Global Site Access - Third Priority

A whole site* can be restricted by the setting "Global Site Access," which is the third priority.

Notice: Pages Login, Registration, and Password Reset can not be restricted. These pages are the exception.

The homepage can be restricted by the common option "Allow Homepage to be accessible" 

or the individual option "Can view default homepage?" for each user role.

4. Categories Pages - Fourth Priority

Category pages have the next priority (only default WP Posts Category) by this option.

5. Exclude the following URLs - Fifth Priority

Other pages in the last restriction priority use the "Exclude the following URLs" option.