Access Tab

Warning: This article is deprecated and may contain outdated information. For the latest settings and configurations from version 2.8.3+, refer to the Core Plugin Settings.


The access tab provides various settings for controlling access to your site.

Restriction Content

Global Site Access

By default, Ultimate Member will make your site’s access available to everyone. What this means is that every page/post on your site will be available to everyone unless you change the access rule on a particular page/post. This is the best option to use if you want to allow non-members to view your site’s content but want to restrict certain pages to members only.

The other option you have is to lock down the site and make the whole site only accessible for logged-in users. What this means is that every page/post on your site will only be available to logged-in users unless you change the access rule on a particular page/post to make a page available to everyone.

However, in using this option, it is important to create a page where non-members can sign-up/login to your site. For example, you may want to make your homepage a landing page to encourage new users to sign-up.

Notice: Pages Login, Registration, Password Reset can not be restricted. These pages are the exception.

Replace the restricted Post Title

This option allows setting the restricted post's title for the content that isn't accessible for the visitor or current user.

Restricted Access Post Title

This is the title that will be shown to users that do not have permission to view the post. It affects the individual post page, post in archive, post in a widget, post link in the nav menu titles.

Restricted Access Message

This message will be shown to users who do not have permission to view the content.

Enable the "Content Restriction" settings for the Gutenberg Blocks

This enables the admin to set the restriction settings for Gutenberg Blocks. Read more here.

Restricted Access Block Message

This message will be shown to users who do not have permission to view the Gutenberg block.

Enable the "Content Restriction" settings for post types

This enables the admin to set the "Content Restriction" settings for the individual posts of the selected post types. Read more here.

Enable the "Content Restriction" settings for taxonomies

This enables the admin to set the "Content Restriction" settings for the individual terms of the selected taxonomies. Read more here


Enable the Reset Password Limit?

This enables the admin to set the maximum reset limit. If the maximum limit is reached, the user will be blocked from using this.

Reset Password Limit

This allows you to set the maximum reset password limit.   

Blocked email addresses

This option prevents certain email addresses from registering or signing in on your site. You can block individual email addresses or block all emails with the specific email provider by using a wildcard e.g. * Enter one email address per line to block multiple addresses. Read more here.

Blacklist words

This option allows you to blacklist specific words to prevent anyone from using these words for their username when signing up to your site. Ultimate Member adds the following words to the blacklist by default: admin, administrator, webmaster, support, and staff. Read more here.