Password Reset Attempt Limit
In order to keep your Password Reset form free from spam, you can enable the reset password limit and specify the maximum number of reset password requests.
To enable the reset password limit, please go to Ultimate member > Settings > Access > Other > Enable the Reset Password Limit
We always recommend that you install the latest version of the plugin.
How to clear a Password Reset Limit
If a user is unable to reset password because of the password reset limit or has reached the reset password limit, the user will be blocked or locked from attempting to reset the password. There is no time limit or it does not refresh. To clear the password reset limit or unblocked the user you need to do the following:
Contact the support or admin of the website if you cannot open the email. Sending a new reset password email for a blocked user is only possible by an Admin user from WP Users backend.
A valid login. The user needs to log in again to clear the password reset limit.