Adding a Registration Form


In this document, we'll explore the importance of registration forms in Ultimate Member. Registration forms serve as the gateway for users to sign up and become members of your site. With Ultimate Member, you can create multiple registration forms, catering to different types of users you may have. This flexibility allows you to tailor the registration process to suit the needs of various user roles on your site. Additionally, we'll provide step-by-step instructions on how to add a registration form to your Ultimate Member-powered site.

How to create a new registration form

To create a new registration form in Ultimate Member, navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard. From there, go to "Ultimate Member" and click on "Forms." This action will take you to the forms page, where you can see an overview of all your existing forms. At the top of this page, locate and click the "Add New" button. This will redirect you to the page where you can create your new registration form.

[wp-admin>Ultimate Member> Forms]

Form title

The first step to creating a new registration form is to give the form a title. The title is purely for identification purposes in the admin dashboard and will not appear anywhere on the front end of your site.

Select form type

Below the form title, you will see the 'Select Form Type' widget which is where you select the type of form you are wanting to create. The selected form type will have a blue background making it easily identifiable what type of form you are creating. Registration is the default selected form type so you won’t need to change anything here.

Form builder

The form builder is where you will add the fields and design the layout of your registration form. If you need help or want to learn more about the form builder we have a separate document on how to use the Ultimate Member form builder.

What fields to include in the registration form

When creating a new registration form there are a couple of fields that you must add so that Ultimate Member can properly register the user with your WordPress site. You should add either the username field or the username/email field. These are important as WordPress requires each user to have a username. In addition to one of those two fields, you should also add the password field so the user can log in after successfully registering. For more information on setting passwords in Ultimate Member registration forms, refer to this  article. Apart from those requirements, you are free to add any other fields to the registration form. To learn more about the field types you can add, visit this article.

Assign role to form

Assigning a role to a form is easy and you can select a role by going to the customize this form widget situated on the right-hand side of the page. In this widget, you can assign a role to this form. If you have not yet created a custom role then go to wp-admin>Ultimate Member>User Roles to create a new user role. If you do not assign a role to this form, any users signing up using this form will automatically be assigned the default user role (member or subscriber). If you don't know what's the default role,go to wp-admin > Ultimate Member > Settings > Appearance > Registration Form > Registration Default Role. You can also look for the default role in WP-Admin > General Settings > New User Default Role.

Shortcode widget

Below the create widget you will see the shortcode widget. This widget contains the shortcode which you should add to the page where you want the form to appear. Make sure to paste the shortcode in the text tab and not the visual tab to avoid any styling being applied to the shortcode.

Customize this form widget

The customize this form widget allows you to easily customize the form. In this widget, you have the following options:

  1. Assign role to form – This option enables you to assign a role for the registration form, allowing users to sign up for your site with that specific role via the registration form. If this option set to Default, users who register will be assigned the default role, which is set in the wp-admin>Ultimate Member>Settings> General Tab> Users subtab>Registration Default Role.
  2. Template – This option is intended for advanced users and developers and you do not need to do anything with this option.
  3. Max Width (px)– With this option, you can set a custom max-width which will be applied on larger devices (mobile devices will have a 100% width). Make sure to enter the value without px at the end e.g 450px.
  4. Alignment– This option allows you to decide the alignment of the form on the page. You can choose to align the form to the left, center, or right. By default, the form will have center alignment.
  5. Field Icons– With this option you can select the appearance of font icons on the form. There are three options for you to select from Show with a label(default selection), inside the text field, and turned off. Please note if you select the inside text field only certain fields will be able to show icons. All fields are able to have an icon if you select to show them next to the label and you have given the field a label.
  6. Primary button text– With this option you can customize the text that appears inside the primary button. For registration forms the default text is “Register” but you can change this to anything you like.
  7. Show secondary button– With this option, you can decide whether or not to show the secondary button on the registration form. By default, the secondary button is turned on. If you turn the secondary button off, you will notice that the primary button becomes centered on the form.
  8. Secondary button text– With this option you can customize the text that appears inside the secondary button. For registration forms, the default text is “Login” but you can change this to anything you like.