General Tab: Pages

The Pages Subtab within the General Tab of Ultimate Member settings is where you assign pages for the plugin's core functionality. These assigned pages handle critical user actions such as registration, login, account management, and more. Properly assigning these pages ensures the plugin operates smoothly and integrates well with your site.

You do not need to change any of the settings on this tab. The primary reason for this tab is if you accidentally delete any core pages installed by Ultimate Member. To configure the page settings, navigate to wp-admin > Ultimate Member > Settings > General Tab > Pages Subtab. Here, you can assign a page to one of the core elements necessary for the plugin's proper function. The plugin automatically creates and configures the required pages upon installation. If you accidentally delete these pages, you can use this tab to restore or create them manually.

Warning: Do not cache pages "Account", "Login", "Password Reset", "Register", or "User". Caching may cause various issues, see details here.

Follow these rules when setting up pages:

  • Pages must be unique to avoid conflicts. Do not use the same page twice.
  • "User page" and "Account page" cannot be child pages because these pages require specific rewrite rules for URLs. Do not make other pages children of the User or Account pages.
  • Ensure that the "User page", "Login page", "Register page", "Members page", "Account page", and "Password Reset page" contain the proper shortcodes for the plugin to function correctly.

To assign a page as a core page, select it from the dropdown menu for the following core elements:

  • User Page
  • Login Page
  • Register Page
  • Members Page
  • Logout Page
  • Account Page
  • Password Reset Page

The default core pages are described in this article: Default Pages.

Deprecated Articles: Some older articles have been moved to the Deprecated category and may no longer be relevant due to recent updates or changes in Ultimate Member. For historical context or reference, you can view the previous articles under the Deprecated category.

For the previous version of the Pages Tab documentation, refer to the old article here for outdated instructions and details. Please note that this article may contain information that has been superseded by newer updates.